29 Apr, 2024

Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose

Saluting NetajiSubhasChandraBose on his birth anniversary. A true patriot and a symbol of courage.A heartfelt salute to the great son of India ‘Netaji’ Subhash Chandra Bose on his birth anniversaryOur respectful tributes to #Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose on his birth anniversary, also celebrated as #ParakramDiwas.A great Leader of our freedom struggle, Netaji’s courage and determination […]

1 min read

National Startup Day

The #NationalStartupDay is a day to celebrate all Young Indians who hv been catalysts of India’s fast growing innovation economy and those who will also drive #TheNextWave of #startups.Hon’ble Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi ji, has declared 16th January as National Startup Day, aiming to promote the startup culture at the grassroots level.On National Startup […]

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Gurudwara Shri Agamgarh Sahib Kota

Attended the special Kirtan Darbar organized at Gurudwara Shri Agamgarh Sahib during the visit to Kota-Bundi Parliamentary area and received blessings of Shri Gurugranth Sahib. The history of Sikh society is full of sacrifices and sacrifices. The Sikh society fought hard for the protection of religion, justice and human rights. The Sikh community is always […]

1 min read